
Explore movies, tv series, and animes!

456movie is a streaming platform for those who enjoy relaxing and binge-watching their favorite movies, series, and more.


© 2024 456movie.com

Data provided by Consumet and Tmdb API. Just so you know—456movie.com doesn’t actually host any movies. We just share links. What you do with them is up to you! Our streaming website provides links to content hosted by third-party sites. We do not host any of the movies or other content ourselves, and we do not have control over the content hosted on these third-party sites. We simply provide links to these sites as a service to our users. We take the intellectual property rights of others seriously and require that our users do the same. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) established a process for addressing claims of copyright infringement. If you own a copyright or have authority to act on behalf of a copyright owner and want to report a claim that a third party is infringing that material please submit a DMCA report via email on 456movie@proton.me and we will take appropriate action.